Level 8, Rhodes Shopping Centre

Mouthguards & Splints


A mouthguard is a removable dental appliance that typically covers the upper teeth. Its aim is to cushion a blow to the face, minimizing the risk of broken teeth and injuries to the soft tissues of the mouth. It can also help reduce the risk of jaw fractures and concussion.

Whether you are a professional athlete or recreational sportsman, a custom-fitted mouthguard should be part of your sports armament. It helps to protect and minimize any injuries to your teeth when you are on the field. A mouthguard is a cost effective means of preventing loss of a front tooth, which can be embarrassing and entail extensive and expensive dental treatment in the future. They are made to your specifications (optimum dimensions, coverage and thickness) and come in a range of colours to suit your taste.

An alginate impression is taken of your teeth from which a mouthguard with the necessary thickness for your sport is constructed. A custom-fitted mouthguard will ensure a perfect fit with maximal comfort and is unique with your name, chosen colour and pattern.

Occlusal Splints

An occlusal splint is a rigid removable dental appliance, typically covering the upper teeth. It is used to treat jaw-joint (temporomandibular joint) disorders and to reduce the deleterious effects of toothwear from grinding.

More and more, the stresses of daily life are impacting on your wellbeing, which translates into problems for your dental health. At Rhodes Dental, there is a prevalence in patients presenting with joint problems (clicking on mouth openings), varying degrees of toothwear from slight chipping to broken teeth and in severe cases complete fractures of teeth. Many patients have developed parafunctional habits such as grinding and clenching. This is worrying because most patients are unaware of these habits as they occur during sleep.

The most non invasive and effective treatment to counterbalance this deterioration is through a custom-made occlusal splint. This appliance is constructed from an alginate impression of your teeth and is designed to be worn during sleep. It is made of a hard acrylic to prevent further tooth to tooth wear and can often alleviate any joint pains that may develop.